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July 27, 2004 - Tuesday

Hot and sunny.

A pretty good day. This morning I read some of my book and then did some work on a craft project that I'm working on. What is it? I'm not telling, except that it has something to do with umbrellas! Crazy huh? I napped and then did my morning stuff.

I got to work a bit later than usual because I had to follow this crazy old woman on a bike. She was so slow, and she wouldn't move over so I could pass her. Anyhow, I did make it to work on time, so that was okay.

I had a moderately busy day. I was supposed to have 6 lessons, but one didn't show up, but the student did call, so it was okay. And, the children's lesson went quite well today too, so that was good.

I noticed when I went for lunch that I hadn't switched off my cell phone, and that I'd had a call the night before from an ex student! I was really surprised. After work I called her back to see what was up. It was hard for her to talk as she'd just had a baby and was busy when I called. So, she said she'd email me. Yay! I hardly ever get calls on my cell phone.

I tried to call Fumihiko when I finished work too, but I couldn't get through to him. So I assumed that he was still working and decided to go to the apartment and wait for him. I had been there for a few minutes, drinking my lovely decaff coffee when he did call. He was still working and wouldn't be done for about an hour. OH MY! It was almost 10 when he called me. Poor thing. He had to start work so early today and then couldn't finish until 11? Awful.

I decided to go to the grocery store to get my dinner and pick up a few things. I had planned to go in the morning, but this was just as convenient. And I actually took back some of my meat trays for recycling. Yay me! I picked up a few things in the store, came back to the apartment and started eating. Fumihiko came in about 10 minutes after that, and I invited him to join me. We ate and it was nice.

I did dishes and then we came back to the house after that. And, that was my day! It was good. Tomorrow we don't have to have such and early morning, but it's still early!

Gotta go, night night!

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