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July 26, 2004 - Monday

Sunny and hot, with a bit of rain, and lightning in the distance.

A good day, but an early start! We got up around 7:00 this morning. Fumihiko drove me to the apartment then went off to his job. I took out the garbage and then bought a diet coke for myself. I brought it back to the apartment, read some of my book and then went for a nap. I did set the alarm this morning as I wanted to catch a bus later.

When I finally roused myself I took a shower and then walked to S-mall. The first thing I did was check out the bus schedule. I'd missed one, and the next one wasn't for 45 minutes. I went shopping in the meantime! I went up to the hundred yen shop and got a curtain for the kitchen, then I went to the grocery store and bought some yakitori. I hadn't eaten yet, so I'm afraid I went outside, waited for the bus and ate my yakitori.

The bus was really crowded when I got on, with a lot of little kids everywhere. I couldn't get a seat...there were some older ladies that needed the available ones more than me, and I didn't want to scare one of the kids into letting me sit beside her! I stood and read for a while, then got a seat after a bit.

I arrived at the mall, just as the movie was starting, so I hightailed it over to the theatre and bought my ticket and a drink. I went in, and the previews had started, but not the real movie. Hurray. I saw Spiderman 2 again, I loved it! It's really good, and I think it's quite romantic. Mary Jane shows that she's worthy of Peter's love, and Doc Ock was just great! I love Alfred Molina.

After the film, I went shopping. I looked around the craft department but didn't buy anything, then went to the ladies clothing section. I took a huge amount of clothes into the changing room, and everything fit. However, some things didn't fit that well, and even though the sizes were okay, they weren't what I wanted. What a change! I remember the days here where I'd buy something even if it wasn't great, just because it fit me. Not anymore. I did get myself two dresses for the house. They're a bit see-through, so I'll only be able to wear them out of the house if I put something on underneath! I also ended up in the hardware store, and bought a flashlight. I looked at some storage containers too. I need some drawers!

Fumihiko called me while I was in the store and said he'd meet me in about half an hour. I bought a pop and went back into the mall to wait for him. While I was sitting and reading an ex student of mine came over for a chat. It was really nice to see her and we talked for a while. Then, Fumihiko arrived.

Fumihiko and I went for dinner and decided to forgo the movie for tonight. There were late shows, but he has an early morning again tomorrow so we didn't think it was wise. Our dinner was shabu-shabu, and it was good. During our meal, Fumihiko suggested karaoke!

We went to the big Maimu on the way into Tsuruoka. We got a room, drink bar and had a blast! I found a ton of new songs so I did lots of Billy Idol (White Wedding, Eyes Without a Face, Dancing With Myself), Billy Joel, Meat Loaf, Neil Diamond, and Bob Seger. I had a great time, but my voice is shot! I guess it is possible to have too much of a good thing! Fumihiko sang a lot too, especially Beatles stuff.

We finished up around 11:30 and came home. And that was that!

Tomorrow we have another early start and I have to try to hang the curtain in the apartment. Wish me luck!

And, that was my day. It was pretty this was definitely the best weekend of the month! Hurray. Gotta fly, nighty-night.

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