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June 1, 2004 - Tuesday

Sunny and gorgeous day.

A good day. Sorry about the lack of update yesterday, but we decided to spend the night at the new apartment.

Today I didn't have a good morning. I was woken up a bit too early, and so I was a bit cranky before work. I made breakfast, packed my lunch, did dishes and got ready for work. Today my darling husband had a holiday so he drove me to work. It was nice.

Work was okay today. I wasn't as busy as I thought I'd be. I had 2 classes not show up. I was a bit sad about that.

After work Fumihiko picked me up and we went to the new restaurant in Voice. I had fish and salad and Fumihiko had ramen, of course! He loves ramen.

We came home then and I watched episodes of ER and Monk. They are/were good.

And that's it, the end of my day. I'll likely go to bed soon. Night night!

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