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March 2, 2004, Tuesday

Cold, with a bit of snow...roads were icy at night.

An okay day. We both went to work today. This morning it was hard to get up, but finally we did. I got ready for work quickly and off we went. I was dropped off at my apartment. It was darn cold, but I got it warmed up a bit. Yesterday I cleaned my shower and my sink. I felt bad anyway, so what the heck! It was nice to take a shower in a really clean place again. I'm not good at cleaning.

I left for work early for a change and then I worked! I wasn't too busy today. I was supposed to be, but some people didn't come. Sigh. I hate that.

However, I was able to leave early because they didn't show up so I guess it wasn't that bad. I called my hubby and asked him to pick me up just a bit after nine. He did. Yay!

He had just finished work too, so he hadn't had time to cook. We ended up going to Dan. It was nice. We had kimchee nabe, tofu, fish, and caesar salad. Oh and eggplant of course. It was all yummy.

We came home and now Fumihiko is off taking his shower. It was really cold in our room, about 3 degrees when we got here, now it's a balmy 8. This is March! I can't believe it!

Health update....I'm feeling better although my nose is running all the time. I think my fever broke last night, at least I haven't felt as uncomfortably sweaty since then. I'm worried that my cold will hit my chest/throat as those seem to be my weak points. However, I do feel so much better than on the weekend. Fumihiko is feeling better too, thankfully. I was really worried about him yesterday.

Anyway, that's it for me for today. Have a good night!

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