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March 3, 2004, Wednesday

Snowy in the morning, clearing in the evening.

An okay day. I did the usual stuff at the apartment in the morning.

Work was okay too. I wasn't very busy today, but I got a lot of stuff done. I was glad too that I wasn't busy because my voice/throat gave out by the end of the day. I think I shouldn't talk at all if I don't have to!

Tonight Fumihiko made dinner. He made shabu-shabu and grilled some fish for us. He also bought some strawberries and cream. For the first time in my life, I whipped cream by hand! It was hard work! Fumihiko and I took spells doing it, but I did most of it. It was cool when it finally went solid. Dinner was so good, and the strawberries and cream were to die for!

We finished and then came upstairs. We're now watching Annie Hall. I'm sure I watched it years ago and hated it, but now it seems funny. Did I grow up? Or have my experiences changed? I don't know.

Anyway, I have to go. Talk to you tomorrow! Night, night.

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