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March 4, 2004, Thursday

Snowy in the morning, then clearing later. Cold.

An okay day. I went to the apartment this morning as usual, but I didn't watch Roswell. I was really tired and just decided to sleep. Sadly though, the heater ran out of kerosene about two minutes before I had set my alarm to wake me up! Oh well.

I left a bit late but got to work on time. Yay. I wasn't too busy today, but I did have a class that I haven't had for a while. Hurray! The student had been very busy but now she's okay. I did feel sorry for my students though because I couldn't talk to them. It was terrible. My voice just died halfway through my first class. It came back a bit in the evening, and even more after my lovely husband brought me some gargle. Now it's not too bad, but my throat feels a bit sore still.

After work Fumihiko and I were deciding where to go for dinner and not managing to work up a lot of enthusiasm about any of the places we thought about. Then he suggested going to Benkei's. So, that's what we did. It was great. We had fish, veggies, some meat...everything was yummy. I really miss not going there as much as we used to.

Then we came home. I've been trying to catch up a bit on my email. I've not sent any for a while because I've felt too tired, but now I'm a bit better. Hurray.

Anyway, I'm off for tonight. Oh, by the way, I'll be staying at the apartment tomorrow night so don't miss me too much. I'm taking the night off so I won't be updating for a change.

Night night!

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