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March 30, 2004 - Tuesday

Cloudy, with a bit of rain in the evening.

I'm just watching the new show that's on now, called Monk. It's pretty funny, and intelligent. It might be a show that I want to keep watching!

Today was okay. I went to the apartment, found a few pieces of my jigsaw puzzle, then I took a nap. After I did my usual morning things and then went to work.

Work was okay today. I had four classes out of five happen and they went quite well I think.

After work we went out to Gusto and looked at brochures. We also had steak, and soup and drink bar. Everything was nice. The steak was really good, which surprised me a bit!

Then we came home and I started to watch Monk. I'm enjoying it. It's an American show, but the characters are smart and played by good actors. So important!

Anyway, that's about it for tonight. In a couple of days I'm going to stay at my apartment for a night. Fumihiko has a drinking party.

Have a good night!

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