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May 14, 2004 - Friday

Cloudy but not rainy.

Well, the jetlag continues! I even got up this morning at 8 am and wrote out last night's entry because I was so darn tired the night before. Getting up voluntarily at 8 am is very strange for me!

I had a nice morning today. I got up, and hubby made some coffee for us. After a bit we went to my apartment where I showered then made breakfast. It was yummy, even if I say so myself.

Work was okay. I had a very slow day, but I did a lot of planning/preparation for tomorrow and next week, so not a waste of time. In the evening I had an interview and classes.

Fumihiko and I went out for lunch...he was very late, but it was still fun. After work we went out to Dan and had a lovely meal. They had asparagus on special and it was delicious. We had chicken and salad and tofu and eggplant as well. It was great.

And that was basically my day. It's boring but that's how it really was. Gotta go, the jetlag thing is still catching up to me.

Night night!

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