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November 3, 2004 - Wednesday

Cloudy and rainy all day.

I stayed up last night until 4 am. I was reading, using my computer and just generally enjoying myself. Sometimes, it's nice to be a single girl again.

This morning Fumihiko came back around 9:30. We both went to sleep and didn't wake up until the delivery man rang the bell after 12. I was shocked that I'd slept so long, but felt that I deserved it!

We stayed up this time and decided to go to see Collateral. Well, we went to the mall and it was packed, as I assumed it would be. We had to wait for a table at the restaurant, and then dinner was a bit slow so we didn't get to see the movie. Instead we looked at quilts for our bed, but they didn't have any queen size ones, then we had a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. Sigh.

We came back to the apartment via the electronics store. I saw a nice stereo there, but didn't buy it. At least not yet. Fumihiko picked up some brochures about cable tv or satelitte tv. I'm bored with peasant vision. We don't get many English programs and NHK tv is for the birds. Their English news is a joke.

I got him to stop off at the hundred yen shop too so that I could get some big envelopes for Van's present. That's all I bought too. It must be a world record or something! I picked up a few groceries too.

Fumihiko brought me home and we watched a bit of TV and then I made some chai. I have this really great stuff that you can add your own sugar too. Of course, I don't. I do use cream and a bit of Splenda at times. Yum. It's so nice! It started to rain torrentially just as he was getting ready to go to his party. He decided to take a taxi, then while he was waiting for that he tried to find his cell phone. Goof! Recently he's losing everything. He's lost his watch, did I mention that? I have no idea where he put it! I called his cell phone and that helped us pin point it. Too bad his watch doesn't have a GPS signal or whatever!

I've spent the evening watching the video from last night. Tonight I saw an episode of The District, Voyager and Third Watch. And, you know what? I enjoyed them thoroughly! I also cooked my dinner. Precooked chicken from the store with some spinach and broccoli added. It was yummy. I did a bit of tidying up and I also wrapped up Van's birthday present. I was a bit busy. It was cool though.

I've been tuning into the TV and checking the websites to see who is winning the US election. The weird thing is that no one really knows. It's really neck and neck. Last time I checked Bush had a slight lead,but that's it. Part of me is thankful that I'm a Canadian and am not truly involved in this election. However, like most people in the world, I am interested in the results!

I'm back to work tomorrow. Sigh. I enjoyed my day off though. I couldn't go out in the evening as I had planned, but still it was good. That's it for me. Night night!

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