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November 2, 2004 - Tuesday

Gorgeous morning, warm and sunny. Little bit of rain in the evening too.

A busy day! This morning Fumihiko got up and went to work. I got up a bit later, checked my email and then I took a nap on the couch. Love that couch!

I was eating my breakfast just before work when I got a call from Fumihiko. The people at his work were having foreign guests and they needed him to translate. They're French, but some of them speak English. Fumihiko speaks pretty good English after all. He thought that he'd be able to come home after the party.

I went to work, and was very busy. Very busy! I was supposed to have 7 classes, but in fact only had 6. However, for me, 6 in one day is a lot these days. Classes were pretty good, I think. I finished up quite early since I didn't have an eight to nine class.

I phoned Fumihiko to see if he was done, but he said he didn't know when he could leave. I said that was okay. I went to the grocery store and then the convenience store after that to pick up something for dinner.

At the apartment I put on a tape of tv that Van had sent me from Canada. I hadn't watched it before, so it's kind of neat to watch it now! I saw an old Voyager and then an episode of Andromeda. That Tyr, he's gorgeous! I kind of like that show, even though it's a bit silly.

Fumihiko called a bit later to say that he'd be spending the night at his work. Boo! Tomorrow is a national holiday and he's got to go out tomorrow night to another party. Doesn't seem quite fair does it? Well, I'm making plans for tomorrow night! If the weather's nice, I'll go out and do something. By myself. I'm not going to sit at home and fret. As if!

Anyway, that's about it for me. I'm hoping to finish up my book, then I could get into some of my magazines from my shopping trip. Yay!

Gotta go, night night!

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