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November 5, 2004 - Friday

Nice day, sunny and warm.

I had a normal sort of day today, except I got up at 8:30 and put the pictures from the Halloween Party into my computer. There were some really cute ones and I think when they're printed out they'll look great.

I cooked my usual omelet this morning but I added a couple of drops of salad dressing. Wow, what a difference. Yummy. I really enjoyed it.

I didn't have a lot to do at work today until after work. Isn't that annoying! I prepared for today's classes, Saturday's classes and one of Tuesdays. Hopefully I'll have more time to prepare for Tuesday tomorrow. I could be busy, I'm not sure.

Fumihiko and I went out for dinner to Cocos. It was quite nice, but nothing to get excited about. I had stir fried beef with veggies. It was good.

We came home after visiting the grocery store where we picked up a few staples like garbage bags and toilet paper. We discussed the embarrassment factor of toilet paper versus feminine hygiene products. I said that feminine hygiene products were much more embarrassing to buy, especially since there's always a cute guy around when you want to be discreet!

And that's it. I checked out the help on my computer to try to make iPhoto run a little easier. I closed some of my film rolls. Hopefully it'll make it easier to work with iPhoto.

Tomorrow, the weekend. Yay. I'm looking forward to it already. Gotta go, night!

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