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November 7, 2004 - Sunday

Sunny but cool day.

An okay day today. Did a lot, ate too much, so feel a bit weird right now.

This morning I overslept and then got up. I tried to get Fumihiko to go out to do something with his car. I wanted to do laundry and to clean a bit. He just wouldn't leave for ages, so I started doing laundry anyway. Finally, he left and I got what I needed to do done. While he was gone I vacuumed and dusted and organized. I still have stuff to do, but I'm not doing it now!

When he came back we went to Jiro for a late lunch then visited a second hand shop. I ended up buying a salad bowl set and Fumihiko got some glasses for drinking beer. I think they'll work nicely for other drinks too though!

When we finished we went to Mikawa mall. Unfortunately, we'd just missed the start of Collateral and the next show wasn't for hours. So, I suggested that we go to the hardware store to pick up another set of shelves there. We looked around and Fumihiko decided to get a rack for our dvds. So, we bought our stuff, I added on a couple of Christmas decorations and a bicycle pump. Then, we took it all out to the car and filled up the back seat!

We went back into the mall and had dinner. We went for shabu-shabu and we ate too much. When Fumihiko suggested that we get 4 extra bowls of meat I suggested 2. He countered with 3 and then ordered 4 anyway. I didn't think that I'd be able to eat that much, and I didn't want to either. We ate all of the meat and the veggies, but Fumihiko couldn't eat the udon noodles that came. He'd had enough too.

After the dinner we waddled to the amusement center and played coin games for an hour or so. I did really well for a while, then had to stop as it was nearly time to see the movie. Fumihiko did much better than me and had to put some of his coins into the "bank" at the center.

We went upstairs, bought our tickets and drinks and went into the movie. It was great. I really enjoyed it. I said to Fumihiko that its rare in movies to see an African American man in movies who isn't doing drugs, isn't a pimp or a policeman, but just a nice working guy. Tom Cruise was great as the hit man, but Jaime Foxx, an actor I've never really paid much attention to, was excellent. I enjoyed the movie very much.

When we walked to the car, Fumihiko finally noticed that I was limping a lot. He had forgotten that my ankle was acting strangely today. I'd told him earlier, but he'd forgotten and parked a long way from the movie exit. He offered to go and get the car, but for some reason, my ankle went back into place and I was able to walk from then on. Did it just want sympathy? I don't know!

We came home, had some lovely peppermint tea and now Fumihiko is off to sleep. He wasn't feeling too well today, so I'm a bit worried about him. I hope he's okay.

So, a mostly good day for me. I now have another set of shelves to put my overflow/summer clothes in. Yay me!

Night night!

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