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October 22, 2004 - Friday

Clear in the morning, rainy at night.

An okay day. I felt much, much better today. My nose stopped running all the time and the sneezing isn't as bad as it was yesterday. I feel like a new person, almost!

This morning I went to work, opened up the school and taught my first lesson. It went well and then I did a lot of paperwork for the next few hours.

My evening classes went well, except a student that said he'd come, didn't. I was disappointed but it's okay. Sigh.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Gusto for dinner. It was fine. We went to the grocery store after that. When we came home he made us some nice coffee. I burned some of my new incense. It's nice but I think it made me sneeze again!

Not a lot to talk about today. It's been a bit boring lately.

Fumihiko took his mum out today for a birthday dinner to Kintaro sushi. I don't know whether I should be relieved or sad that I wasn't included. I guess a little of both. I half think he's trying to keep us apart. I almost never get to go back to the house. Still, that's okay I guess. I don't want to that much.

Anyway, that's it for me. Gotta go. Night night.

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