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October 24, 2004 - Sunday

Sunny but cool.

Wow! As the reports come in about the Niigata earthquakes yesterday and today, I realize how lucky we were. There was about 21 people killed and about 1800 people injured. Many people are now homeless or stranded because of roads or bridges being damaged.

Today, we slept in, then got up and went to the Dai-ichi Hotel for lunch. We had a nice surprise. It has improved! They had a main meat dish, plus quite a lot of food that was okay for me. We did have to wait for a long time to get in, but it was worth it.

After lunch, it wasn't so great. I wanted to go to the drug store. On the way I bought an egg slicer and a plastic coated ladle. The woman talked to Fumihiko, not me. In the drugstore, the woman who served me was a former classmate of Fumihiko's and talked to him, not me, even though I was the customer. This had also happened in the restaurant where I paid. This rudeness really makes me angry. Granted I don't speak Japanese, but I am the flaming customer. Talk to me. I do understand a lot of Japanese. Bah.

In the car on the way back to the apartment Fumihiko couldn't understand why I was so angry. I tried to explain it to him. I feel invisible. I have the money, I'm the person paying, not him. Why don't people talk to me first? Then if I don't understand, talk to the tall fellow looming over my shoulder.

Anyway, he left me at the apartment so I ranted and raved to nobody in particular for an hour or two, while I did my laundry. It was great to get some alone time!

When he came back we went out for dinner to La Chance, a French Restaurant in Tsuruoka. We had roast duck. It was nice. I couldn't have soup, but it was still nice. After the meal we went to Book Off to look at books (Fumihiko) and dvds (me). I didn't get any dvds but I did get a couple of used videos. I got of my favourite Stallone movies and an episode of Twin Peaks. I think it's the next one after our dvd set. At least I hope so.

We came home then and I hard cooked some eggs. I'm going to attempt to make devilled eggs. Wish me luck!

And that was my day. Not bad, not great, okay.

Night night.

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