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October 25, 2004 - Monday

Rainy day.

A pretty good day. I slept in very late, which was a good thing because I went to bed very, very late last night. We watched the Twin Peaks episode that I bought and then I worked on my computer for a while. After that, I played games then went to bed.

I woke up after 11 today because somebody rang our doorbell. I didn't answer it. I never do of course!

Fumihiko had run off to the doctor to see about his back. He is in terrible pain a lot of the time. Sigh. When he came back we decided to go out for lunch. We went to the evil place, Edoichi. I didn't like it much, but it was okay I guess.

After the meal we went to the mall. I got him to let me do some shopping by myself. Hurray. I wanted to get something for Van's birthday. It's next month and coming up fast. I don't know what to get for her. Not only is it hard to buy clothes for her since we're don't have the same taste in clothes, but she's expecting too. That means even if I find her something she might not fit into it. Although, she didn't really gain that much weight so far.

I met up with Fumihiko after that and we played a few coin games for a while. That was okay. I didn't mind too much.

We still weren't hungry so we visited a new store in Tsuruoka. It's actually two stores joined together. I got a new backpack since my old one is starting to wear out. This one is quite cool. I also bought (in the other part of the store) some Christmas Cards and some food for Fumihiko's breakfasts. I think he'll enjoy it. It's pseudo healthy too. He bought me a laundry hamper (I hope he starts to use it!) and himself a huge pillow for the couch. It's a corner pillow. I think it takes up a bit too much room, but you never know. I might like it too if he ever lets me try it out!

We __still__weren't hungry so we went to karaoke for an hour. A place that we used to go all the time has reopened under a different company. It was fine. I sang a song that Chris in Sakata always sings by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and now I can't get it out of my head. It was fun.

After our hour was up we went over to Dan for dinner. We had a lot of nice food. Some kim chee pork, chicken, eggplant, lots of stuff. It was great.

We came home and had coffee and relaxed for a while. I think I'm about done for today. I should probably try to get to bed early tonight. I'll have a busy day at work tomorrow. I'm going to try to check up on my Niigata-ken teachers.

And that was my day off today. I'm almost ready to go back to work. Almost, but not quite!

Night night.

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