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October 31, 2004 - Sunday

Rainy, but warmish.

A good day. Got up this morning a bit late, then had to do a bunch of stuff. I tried to get Fumihiko to peel the eggs for me but he couldn't! Instead I got him to make my nama ham rollups, and I did the eggs. I finally got them done, then made up the mix to take with me. I was a little late to the party, but not too late!

The party was great! We all had a lot of fun. It was mostly kids, we ate, played games, that kind of thing. It took a while to clean up afterwards, then Fumihiko and I came home.

We cleaned up after the party....Fumihiko (bless him) did the dishes and I packed to get ready for our trip. We got on the road a bit later than we meant to, but still, got into Sendai around 6:30 pm. We got lost though and ended up driving around a weird part of Sendai! Then, we finally got to the hotel.

We checked in and decided to go out for dinner. We went to an Indian restaurant in The Loft and had a great meal. I had tandori chicken and shish kebab, while Fumihiko had a set dinner. It was lovely. After dinner we went walking and ended up at HMV. Even though it was 9:00 pm they were still open, so we went in. I got some magazines for a reasonable price and bought two dvds. They were on a 2 for 1 deal, so not too bad. I got Army of Darkness and The Adventures of Priciscilla,Queen of the Desert. Yay. I can't wait to watch them.

We went back to the hotel and Fumihiko fell asleep. He was so tired! I took a bath and read one of my magazines. I went to bed around 2 but Fumihiko was later. He'd woken up and started watching some TV show. I wasn't too happy, but it wasn't important that I be too awake the next day.

Written November 1, 2004

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