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September 5, 2004 -Sunday

Rainy and cloudy day.

Bit of a mixture really.

I finally got my day alone today, and boy was it nice. I slept in, then did laundry and went shopping. I didn't go that far because it rained a bit, but it was nice to be able to do what I wanted to do. I also finished my novel today. Reading it I mean. I haven't written one, yet!

When Fumihiko came home we went to the electronic store to price VCRs. My VCR is in the shop and they want over 10,000 yen to fix it. I could buy a new one for that, or get a more expensive one if I add some more money. However, after looking at new ones, I decided to fix my old one. I like it, I know how to use it and frankly, Fumihiko didn't bother to explain any interesting features on the new VCRs. Even if he did in the shop, he wouldn't bother at home, so I decided why not stick with the one I know.

We went for dinner to an izakaya style restaurant. It was quite nice, and we ate a lot. I needed to eat as I hadn't eaten much protein for the day.

We took a drive to the beach after dinner, and finally stopped and talked near Kamo. We couldn't see anything because it was too dark, but it was nice and peaceful.

We went to Karaoke after that, for a couple of hours. I think Fumihiko's back has started to bother him again because he got a little moody. We came home after searching for yakitori. Fumihiko really wanted some and we tried many places for it, but they were either closed or sold out. Sigh.

He's looking lonely on the couch so I'll maybe go and join him for a bit. Talk to you tomorrow.


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