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September 6, 2004 -Monday

Rainy and cloudy, but still warm.

Not a great day. Fumihiko slept on the couch as his back was bothering him. As a result, I slept in really late, which was nice. We went for lunch to the Daiichi Hotel. It was fine.

After lunch we went to the Shonai Bank to buy our travellers cheques. We also used a machine to get US Cash. That was kind of cool!

We went to the post office too, I wanted to get rid of my 500 yen coins, which I did. I had a lot...19 of them. I also bought some stamps to put on my change of address cards.

We had a bit of time in the afternoon, so we went to S-Mall and had a drink at Doutours then I went shopping in the 100 yen shop again. I got a few things for the house and a few things for school.

We went to look at VCR's again. Even though I decided to repair mine, Fumihiko wants to get a new one. He wants to get one with a DVD recorder and a Hard Disc Drive. I think he's crazy. I asked him what he was going to record with it and he couldn't answer. It's a bit annoying. I'd rather spend the money on a dining table which we need, or a desk for me, but he'd prefer to get a VCR to tape??? Why not get a satelitte or cable tv first? There is nothing on TV these days for me. Sigh.

We went to another VCR place after the first one, but he still didn't buy anything. I wandered off to look at computer things. I'm thinking about getting a new mouse for my computer. The one I've got has a very short cord and gets dirty easily. Don't know.

Emotionally, I wasn't doing well. I just had this feeling that Fumihiko didn't want to be with me, and was kind of angry with me. Maybe it was because I didn't welcome the idea of getting a new and improved VCR? I don't know. We went to get me some dinner at Jiro. I almost started crying...I don't know if I was just being over-emotional or what, but I was feeling really depressed and lonely. He won't let me have any time alone, but when he's with me we don't even talk.

He dropped me off back at the apartment and then he went by bicycle to his party. I finally got a lot of my change of address cards done and decided to watch the bonus disc of Pirates of the Carribean. It was fun.

Fumihiko came home and sat on the couch with me for a while. I finished up the cards in the meantime and then we had coffee. He went to bed a little bit ago, and probably I should go soon too. This is going to be a hellish week. I've got a trip to Hokkaido on Thursday, so I won't be able to post for 2 days. I'll be in Sakata on Wednesday and in Hokkaido on Thursday. I don't know how I'll feel on Friday!

Anyway, that's it for me. Have a good evening. Night night.

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