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December 7, 2005 - Wednesday

Clear and sunny, but a bit cloudy in the early afternoon.

A busy day. I got to work on time, but my first class cancelled. So, I did a lot of work. I prepped my class and then started to work on party stuff. I put holes and string in the pinata so I can hang it up. The bad thing was that I cut my hand. It doesn't hurt, but it did bleed a lot. I'm on my third bandage.

Classes were okay today, and I really did get a lot of stuff done for the party. I even went out to buy some plates, forks and spoons.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Cocos for dinner. In the parking lot of the restaurant he discovered that he'd accidentally brought a key from his work with him. Oh no! That meant that we had to go there after dinner.

We drove up to Mount Kinbo and Fumihiko gave the key back, then we drove back to Tsuruoka. We stopped for a few groceries and then came home.

I packed my suitcase and then we watched tonight's episode of ....Desperate Housewives. It was good tonight. Bree went on a date and Susan sang a karaoke version of New York, New York that was a hoot.

Well, that's it for me for tonight. I'm tired and I have to get up early tomorrow so I should call it a day. We'll leave for Osaka tomorrow morning and get back on Saturday night I think. Wish us luck! If all goes well, I'll talk to you again on Saturday night.

Bye for now!


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