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December 18, 2005 - Sunday

Cold, snowy, and cold. Did I mention it was cold?

I woke up this morning to the loud sound of the coffee maker. It was doing its thing. I was a bit annoyed as I wanted to sleep longer, but I knew that I needed Fumihiko's help to move my stuff.

We had brunch at Jiro, then drove to the apartment to load up the car. We took some of the school stuff back to them. At the school we took some of my stuff home. The weather during this time was hideous. It was snowing and blowing. It was hard to see anything.

We came home, dumped off my stuff and then went to the grocery store. Fumihiko was going to a party and I wouldn't see him for a while. With the weather the way it was I didn't want to walk to the store.

He left around 3 and then I did my laundry. I had mounds to do, as I hadn't done any since before my trip to Osaka!

After that, I ate dinner and played on my computer for a while. Around 8:00pm I decided to go to the video store and get some videos, so I did! I picked up 3, then came home.

When I came home I thought about putting a movie on right away, but decided to do something else. I decided to finally decorate my tree. I hadn't done it before now. With only one week till Christmas I was running out of time. It took ages to do, but it looks great! It's all sparkly, a vision of silver and blue.

Then, I sat down to watch The West Wing from last week. I was greatly saddened yesterday to learn that John Spencer, who plays Leo McGarry died. It was bittersweet watching his scenes today.

While I was watching the show, I sewed on a button for Fumihiko. He'd broken a button on the jacket I'd got him in Canada. Luckily, they'd put a spare one in the lining inside.

Later, I watched Donnie Darko and did some of my beading. I haven't done any for a while. Sigh. The beading was relaxing, the movie was intriguing. I hadn't seen it before and I have the feeling that it's not my husband's type of film.

And that was my day. It's really late and I'm quite tired so I should be off soon. Wish me a good night! Night night.


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