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February 15, 2005 - Tuesday

Rainy and warm, finally cool and clear.

Well last night wasn't that great, remember? Today was a bit better. I went to bed very early for me, after taking 3 tylenol (the first two didn't work so I took another one later). I dozed off and then woke up when I realized that Fumihiko wasn't coming to bed. He'd set up on the couch for the night. I guess he didn't want to wake me but I woke up anyway. I got up and asked if he wanted to come to bed and he did. I was pretty groggy. The medicine had kicked in, plus I'd been sleeping for a bit.

This morning I did all my usual stuff, except I cooked tomorrow's lunch today. The meat was supposed to "expire" today, so I thought it was best to do that. I even left for work on time. I was a bit surprised to find out that it was raining quite hard too! When I finally got to work I was really wet. My coat was a different colour and my backpack had water running off it. Luckily it's still quite water resistant. My hat was wet. The bottoms of my jeans were very wet too.

I had a pretty average day at work today. Students showed up and we had some pretty good lessons. My two almost but not quite teenage boys were fine today too. They even seemed interested in what was going on in class. Cool.

After work I got a text message from Fumihiko professing his love...I sent one back professing mine too, then asked him to come and get me. I waited for a long time for his answer, then when it arrived it just said "I'm busy". Hmm. I waited until after 10 pm. I finished my Stephanie Plum book and decided to just walk home. When I had got outside, but not too far, I got a call from my hubby. He'd finally finished and would pick me up.

We met and then we went to Gusto for dinner. He'd had to wait for his boss to come back this evening so he couldn't leave when he wanted too. I didn't really mind as I was able to read one of my new books and enjoy myself. Hurray.

So that's it. Today was much better than yesterday. Hopefully, tomorrow will be even better! Gotta go. Night night!

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