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February 17, 2005 - Thursday

Clear most of the day, bit of rain too.

An interesting day. I got up, checked my email, then took my nap. While I was lying on the couch, minding my own business, my husband came in. He'd been given the day off. Lucky guy. I finished up doing my morning stuff, then I cooked breakfast and got a ride to work. Yay.

Work was fine today, except one of my classes didn't show up. Someone in her family was sick. Bit sad that. And in another class, the student had a black eye. He'd been hit by another student at school. I think the other student did it by accident of course.

After work, Fumihiko came and got me, and we went to Cocos for dinner. It was nice. I had hamburger and salad and veggies. Yum.

When we came home Fumihiko popped Rocky in the DVD player. I didn't want to watch it, but as always, I'm sucked in by how good it is. Fumihiko loves it.

And that's it for my day today. Hope tomorrow is good too. Night night!

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