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January 11, 2005 - Tuesday

Snowy day. Sunny in the AM, but snowy at night.

What a night. I went to bed quite late as usual and then fell fast asleep. Unfortunately Fumihiko got a call on his cell phone at 3:30 in the morning. And, if that wasn't bad enough, he couldn't find the cell phone in time to answer it. When he found it he didn't call back because we didn't know the number. We were worried that it might be a "wangiri" call. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, some people call out from a number and hang up after one call. When you call that number back to see who it was it turns out to be a scam or an overseas number and you rack up huge phone bills.

Then, this morning Fumihiko had a hard time getting up. Me too. After he left I slept in bed bit longer then finally got up. I had a rough morning and didn't leave early enough for work.

When I got out on the roads they were like glass. It was very slippery out there. Cars were moving very slowly and so was I. I got to work a couple of minutes later than usual. Sigh.

I had a reasonable day at work too. My first four lessons showed up and went quite well. Then, my last class didn't come. Sigh. That was a bit sad.

I texted Fumihiko and asked him to come and get me. He texted me back to say ok. Hurray. I like this texting stuff!

Dinner tonight was at Cocos. It was fine. I had a hamburg steak with veggies. Quite nice, with two cups of chamomile tea.

When I came home I discovered that I had two envelopes waiting for me. One from a friend I was worried about a bit, and a letter from a friend that I wasn't worried about! One nice thing about January is the nice mail I get! I love it.

Anyway, that's about it for tonight. Hope tomorrow is better. I'm really tired tonight. Sigh. Gotta go, night!

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