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January 11, 2004 - Sunday

Cold and snowy day. Not good weather.

Kind of an up and down day. This morning we slept in very late and then went out for brunch. After that I went to my school to pick up a few things that I had forgotten, then we went to the car shop. I'm not sure why I had to go there on my day off. I don't have a car. Okay, I do ride around in it, but honestly, that could and should have been done yesterday.

Then we picked up some kerosene and took it back to Fumihiko's house. Then we left again.

We ended up at the mall again. I wanted to see Mystic River, but it wasn't on until late. So, we had to waste some time at the mall. We did that. We played coin games and lost miserably, went shopping and didn't buy anything, had dinner, and coffee and then finally saw the show. It was great. An amazing movie. I don't always like Clint's movies, but this one was so good. I highly recommend it!

After we left the mall, we got a bite to eat at Yoshinoya, then came home and watched a movie. We watched Scary Movie, which I had just bought as a second hand video. It was pretty funny, but very dumb!

Now, Fumihiko's gone to bed and I hope to go soon. It's too damn cold in this room, so bed is about the only warm place that I know!

If I can't update tomorrow, don't worry about it. I'll be away for a few days and I'll try to update when I return. Catch you later! Night night!

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