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July 7, 2005 - Thursday

Rainy, cloudy, with a big thunderstorm in the morning.

A pretty good day. This morning when I got up I did something a little different. I went out onto the balcony and put stakes in Fumihiko's flower pots. I don't know if he's noticed yet. I doubt it as he hasn't said anything. He has some gorgeous lillies on the balcony, but they are so top heavy that they were leaning off the balcony. I put the stakes in the pot and fastened the plants to them with bits of an old nylon. While I was doing that, there was a huge thunderstorm, and very heavy rain.

I took a short nap today and managed to get up and do my stuff on time today. Yay. However, I forgot to put mousse in my hair after my shower! I wondered why it was so soft! I had to use hair spray at work.

I was very busy today. I had 6 lessons. It was supposed to be 7 but sadly one cancelled. However, I did a bit of rearranging my schedule today. I have 7 lessons on Thursdays, but only 3 on Wednesday, so I asked one of my students to change her class day. She said it was okay, so I was really happy. Yeah.

After work today, Fumihiko was able to come and get me. He picked me up and we went to Dan. We had a lovely meal there. It was so delicious. We had our usual things and some cream cheese. That was a nice change.

Over dinner Fumihiko told me about the terrorist attack in London. I'm quite shocked and greatly saddened. I love London, I haven't been there for years, but it's one of the world's great cities. I hope they find the people responsible.

Anyway, I have to go. I'll chat at you tomorrow. Night!


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