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July 8, 2005 - Friday

Sunny and hot, cloudy, and a little drizzly too.

A good day for me here. In the morning I made coffee so that we could have some iced coffee in the evening. I also looked out on the balcony and saw that Fumihiko's flowers, the ones that I had staked up yesterday, had blossomed. They are beautiful.

I checked email and also took my nap. It was nice. I got ready for work and then left. It looked nice, so I didn't wear a jacket, but when I got outside I noticed that it was in fact raining. Not much, so I decided to risk it, and not go back for my raincoat. A good decision as it didn't rain all that much.

Work was fine today. I had to go to the bank for my company, but it was okay. Luckily I didn't have to do too much. I got a bank staff member to help me.

After work tonight, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to M's Dining. It was really good tonight. Hurray. Then we hit the grocery store. I got some chicken to try and cook tandori style, but got home and discovered that I need yogurt. I'm out right now. Sigh.

And that's it. We watched some news reports from London. Londoners are marvellous. They really pulled together to help themselves. I tried to explain to Fumihiko how Londoners have lived with the threat of terrorism for years with the IRA and now this.

Tomorrow I'm a little busy, but not too badly. I hope it'll be a good day. Gotta go, night.


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