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July 29, 2005 - Friday

Cloudy in the morning, rainy at night.

An okay day. I finally got stuck in on Harry Potter. Yay. I'm most of the way through the novel.

The sad thing was that I wasn't busy at work. I only had one class! My kids class didn't show up and the last class of the day called and cancelled. That was fun, I answered the phone, spoke to one student, and the other student called on the other line! I was a telephone fool today!

I asked Fumihiko to come and pick me up early tonight, so we went out for dinner. We went to Cocos. It was okay, but not great. Then we got a few groceries and came home.

There was a slight mystery in our apartment tonight. Where was Fumihiko's wedding ring. He took it off tonight and then couldn't find it. I turned into Jessica Fletcher/Sherlock Holmes and asked him some questions. He'd taken it off in the bathroom, but couldn't find it. After both of us searching the living room, the changing room and the spare room, I took off my socks and went into the bathroom. I went by the assumption that he'd taken the ring off by the bath and then put the bath cover on top of it. I lifted the cover at the tap side, and LO, it was sitting in the water. It was a Lord of the Rings moment.

And that was my day. It was pretty good. I'm really enjoying Harry and can hardly wait to read more. Night night!


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