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July 30, 2005 - Saturday

Cloudy in the morning, but rainy at night.

A Momentous Day. I finished The Book. Yes, today, I finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I loved it. It's worth all of the hype. Read it, if you haven't already.

Today was quite busy. I was running really late at home so I left without doing dishes.

Work was okay, I was quite busy today. I taught five lessons and did a lot of prep for tomorrow.

After work, Fumihiko came and got me and we went for dinner. We had yakiniku and it was really good.

At home tonight we had iced coffee and watched The Incredibles. I loved it. It's so cool to see a family movie about a family really working together. It's too bad that it was an animated film.

Now poor Fumihiko is sleeping on the couch and I'm thinking of heading off to bed soon too. It's been a long day. Night night!


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