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July 28, 2005 - Thursday

Sunny and warm. Nice day.

This morning Fumihiko had to get up early, but he really didn't want to. I woke up around the time he did, and I rubbed his back for a while. He got up. I fell back asleep of course!

When I got up I was tired, but I checked email, and then did my usual napping stuff. Very important that!

I got to work on time and got to work. I was quite busy planning and preparing for my lessons.

I stayed a bit late at the school tonight. I had to call my head office about a student and Fumihiko was really late picking me up.

For our dinner tonight we went to Gusto, the one by Max Valu. It was okay. The parking lot was crowded, but the restaurant wasn't that full. Halfway through our meal, one of my students came in. That was funny.

We came home and as we're both tired, Fumihiko is taking his bath now. I just made us some hot instant coffee. I put a touch of vanilla in it, so I hope it'll be good.

Well, that's my day for today. Have a good night.


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