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July 31, 2005 - Sunday

Cloudy and humid, rainy at night.

A quiet day. I slept in really late, then did my laundry while we planned what to do for the day. It was finally decided to go for lunch, then go to the swimming pool. We tried to do that, but when we arrived, the pool was closing.

We went to the beach instead. We didn't go swimming, but we walked along the edge of the ocean and picked up shells and some driftwood. It was lovely.

Next we went to karaoke for a few hours. We went to Hit Parade. It was pretty good, except they don't have quite as many songs for me as some other places. Still, we enjoyed ourselves.

After karaoke, we went to a grocery store and picked up a few groceries. I suggested buying our dinner rather than going out somewhere. We had a nice dinner of salad and chicken.

We watched El Mariachi during and after dinner. It was cool to see it again. The video had both Japanese and English subtitles, so Fumihiko watched it in English. Good for him. It was cute. I'd forgotten how stylish and inventive it was. I remember watching it with Michelle back in Edmonton. Fun. Now we have the two sequels to look forward to. Hurray.

And basically that was my day. Time to go to bed I think. Night night!


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