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June 2, 2005, Thursday

Muggy, but no rain. Yeah!

A busy day. This morning I did my stuff, and left on time for work, barely! I had a twelve o'clock class and a few things to do before it. Still, everything got done.

I was very busy at work. I had 6 classes. I should have had 7 but one cancelled yesterday for today. I was a little relieved. Today I had 4 new classes so it was a bit stressful for me, but things worked out well.

After work I took a bit of time to finish up and then I asked Fumihiko to come and get me. He did, and we had our dinner in Gusto. He'd already eaten ramen earlier so he just had dessert. I had some kind of chicken stuff and salad. It was rather nice.

We came home and Fumihiko watched one of the really inane TV shows that we get over here. I have been thinking about how bad some of the shows here really are. You know how in Canada, on the public access channel, you get really amateurish shows? Well, that's how most of the shows here are. Just awful. I'd almost rather watch Survivor or Canadian Idol or something. And I hate reality TV.

We have been coming up with a cunning plan for our vacation at the start of next month. Of course it depends if Fumihiko can get the time off too or not. If he can't, I'll do something by myself. I'm so mean!!! But, not really. I like to travel and I'm not sure if he does or not. He does with me, but it's stressful for for us both.

Anyway, that's it for tonight. Catch you tomorrow? Night!


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