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June 4, 2005, Saturday

Muggy, then rain at night.

A good, if busy day. In the morning I made "Mexican" omelets for breakfast. I used the leftover taco meat and put it in our omelets. It was very yummy. Fumihiko was quite impressed with me.

Work was busy today. I had a couple of new classes and a private student, plus my usual ones. I also had to do some stuff for our head office.

After work, it took a long time for Fumihiko to come and pick me up. He was still working at his party. Finally, around 10:30 he picked me up.

We went to Dan for a quick bite, then to Manekineko for karaoke. It was fun. However, when we went to pay in Dan, Fumihiko noticed that he didn't have any money! Good thing I went to the bank yesterday. I ended up paying for both dinner and karaoke. I didn't really mind, karaoke was my idea after all.

We finished up around 3 am and came home. At home, Fumihiko plied me with some miso soup and now I'm trying to get him to go to bed soon as he has to get up early tomorrow.

Anyway, I had a great day. My classes went well, which is always a bonus! Karaoke was good fun too. I found a lot of classic old songs, that Bette Midler and Rod Stewart sing on their retro cds, so I had a go at them. Some were great, others had a different tempo than I was used to so it was a bit tough. Still, good.

Now then, I have to go to sleep. Night night!


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