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March 22, 2005 - Tuesday

Clear and warm, then rain at night.

A good day. This morning I did a lot of stuff that I usually do, plus I set up the slow cooker for dinner. I bought some chicken legs and I had some in the freezer from before so I decided to try them.

Work was a bit busy for a while, and then it wasn't again. Sigh. I spent a lot of time, too much I think, fighting the fax machine. It kept jamming. Finally I got it to work.

It was strange without having Jusco nearby for my lunch hour. I had to go to the Hundred Yen shop to get drinks for lunch. I couldn't drink them right away as they were warm. Still, I got out of the school for a bit. That was good.

After work I called Fumihiko and he came and got me. He brought me a big bag of stuff I'd left for him to bring, but he didn't remember to stir the crockpot. I was a bit worried that everything might be too dry, but it wasn't. Everything was lovely!

I made some miso soup (instant...I'm not that good!), fried some mushrooms (frozen), made coffee (instant) and put out the chicken and veggies. It was great. It really was. I didn't expect it would be so good, but it really was. And I'm only a little biased.

Fumihiko's neck is bothering him tonight and I'm tired for some unknown reason so I'd like to get to bed on time. Or nearly! Got to go, night night.


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