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March 21, 2005 - Monday

Clear but cool.

A good day! We slept in again this morning, but it was nicer than yesterday. I did get a delivery while we were sleeping in ... that was interesting. My friend sent my books back.

We got up finally. We were going to go to the evil place for lunch, but the wait was really long, so we went to the Daiichi Hotel's buffet. We had to wait a few minutes there, but nothing bad. We had an okay meal. Fumihiko in particular could eat a lot, but I couldn't. It was mostly rice and noodle-y things. Oh well. After lunch we hacked around the hundred yen shop. I got a few things for school and for me too.

We came home and Fumihiko went to his house to try to find his swimsuit. All weekend he'd been talking about going swimming, but he couldn't find where he put his suit. Poor thing. He looked all over his house, but couldn't find it. While he was gone I did a bit of cleaning. The floor was in a terrible state. There were dust bunnies organizing a union under the couch. Yuck. Still, it looks better now.

He came back, had another look for the swimsuit here and didn't find it. Then we went to Dengeki-Soko, the electronic shop. Today was it's last day. There really wasn't much left. I was hoping to get some paper for my printer, but they didn't have any of the stuff I wanted. We left, after buying some batteries and a couple of blank cassettes.

Our next stop was a book store/video shop. I looked at craft books, but didn't buy any, then another hundred yen shop. It had some nice stuff, but I only bought a little.

We went for dinner to the evil place after this, and while Fumihiko was paying he realized that he didn't have any money left! He just had enough for his meal! That's kind of funny. I paid for mine! Dinner was okay, except it was so noisy that I couldn't hear anything but din. I didn't like it at all.

We picked up a few groceries after dinner, then came home. We decided to watch A Knight's Tale and it was great. We both enjoyed it a lot. It was funny and sweet and exciting. While we watched it I did a lot of my crochet. I restarted my shawl, and I'm up to the 10th row or something. It's easy, a sort of half granny square. The colours are working out okay, although I would have liked a cream or a white in there for balance. C'est la vie.

Fumihiko's off taking his bath and I'm listening to Dean Martin again. I have a new cd of his that I bought in Sendai, I haven't even listened to it yet. I really should pop it in!

Anyway, that's my day today. It was much much nicer than yesterday. We're both back to work tomorrow, wish us luck! Good night.


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