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November 22, 2005 - Tuesday

Sunny in the morning, rainy at night.

A good day. I got up and did all my usual morning stuff. I made an omelette, cooked my lunch, packed my backpack and even set off to work on time. I did do something a bit unusual though, I wore a skirt at work today! Wow. I can't even remember the last time I wore a skirt at work, except for the meeting I had to go to a few months ago. It was nice, if a bit cold!

I didn't have a busy teaching day, but I did a lot of "stuff". I went to the post office for work, took a break, read the newspapers, vacuumed the school, lots of things. Oh, yeah, I prepared too.

After work, I had planned to leave almost at 9, but of course my class went late! I did get out earlier than usual and went to the grocery store to pick up dinner. Tonight, Fumihiko was at a goodbye party, so he couldn't pick me up. While I was in the grocery store though, he called me. I called him back and it turns out that he was on his way to my school to meet me. I told him to grab an umbrella and come and meet me.

I bought my groceries (caesar salad, kimchee nabe set) and we walked home. It's surprising how far our apartment is from the downtown area. When I'm on my bike I don't think about it much, but when it's raining and dark, it seems like a long way.

At home we had some diet soft drinks....A&W Root Beer for him and Diet Coke with Lime for me. I also cooked then ate my nabe. It was good, but a little less spicy than I had thought it would be.

I spent a bit of time playing on my computer while Fumihiko took a bath. He's now off to bed. We haven't really planned anything for tomorrow. We might try to go out for a nice lunch to Mikawa, then a movie, but really we aren't sure. It's his birthday and I'm trying to get him to make up a wishlist for what he'd like to do, but he's too easygoing for that!

Anyway, it was a good day today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good one too! Night night.


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