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November 23, 2005 - Wednesday...Happy Birthday Fumihiko

Rainy all day. Bleck.

A good day. I went to bed quite late last night and had a hard time getting up this morning. Sigh. I tried really hard, and finally got up around 11.

Fumihiko and I went out to Bistro De Ponts for his birthday lunch. It was really nice, but very crowded today. It took over 45 minutes for us to get our first course. That was a long time. We were both starved by the time food got to us. I had fish and Fumihiko had stew. Mine was great.

We went to the mall then and did a bit of window shopping. I got a few things for Christmas gifts, just little ones. Then, we went to see Elizabethtown. I really enjoyed it. I wasn't sure about the "wake" or memorial service, but it was funny!

After the movie we did more shopping and then went to dinner in Tsuruoka. Tonight we went to Jiro. It was quiet there and we didn't have to wait too long. Our meals were great.

We hit the grocery store after that. I got a few things for the next couple of days and then we came home and watched Desperate Housewives. Tonight wasn'tas interesting as it has been lately, but I think they are building up to something soon.

I spent some time making a small poster and some invitations for the Christmas Party I'm having at my school. Fumihiko is being a dear and is translating them, but seems to have hit a snag. In his word processor, he doesn't have any ink. Oh no. We're also having another thunderstorm so I probably shouldn't stay on my computer for very long.

Back to work tomorrow. Wish me luck! Night night.


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