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October 25, 2005 - Tuesday

Sunny and warm day, cool at night.

A good day. Hurray.

This morning I got up and did my usual stuff. I had an omelette with cheese and corned beef. It was good.

Work was fine and I had an unexpected surprise. An ex-student of mine came by the school to see what was happening there. I had to tell him the bad news about the school closing, but we chatted for a while. I haven't seen this person in a long long time, something like 5 years, so I was delighted to see him.

Classes went well but I had to stay late a bit. I was talking to a student. It went well I think. While I was talking to him Fumihiko mailed me to say that he couldn't pick me up.

I finished up and then biked home. It was a lovely night and I had a jacket, so I was really fine on my bike.

When he came home we went out to M's Dining for dinner. It was good tonight. I had soup bar and chicken and hamburger. I enjoyed it a lot.

When we came home I watched The West Wing. It was good, but I was doing my internet stuff so I didn't follow it too closely. Oops.

I'm in the midst of reading three books now. I'm still getting through Eats, Shoots, and Leaves (boy, I hope my punctuation is okay there!); Good in Bed; and The Tinder Box. Three very different types of books. I'll let you know how I like them on the book pages. Check it a week or so.

And that's it for me for tonight. Gotta go. Night.


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