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September 1, 2005 - Thursday

Sunny, extremely hot.

You know, I hear from people that it's getting cooler, but I just don't buy it. I'm always too hot. I have the air conditioner going full blast in my apartment and I'm still too hot.

Well, today I woke up a little groggy. I had taken a different kind of cold medicine last night and this morning I think I must have had some in my system. I was really tired and it was hard to get up in the morning.

I had an interesting breakfast today. I had a couple of crispbreads, one with cream cheese and one with avocado and wasabi on it. An ex-student of mine told me that avocado and wasabi went well together. I didn't really believe it, but she was right. I also had a couple of sausages. It was really good.

I got to work on time, opened up the school and started to work. I had a very busy day again. Today my classes were not as spread out as they were yesterday, so it was a bit more tiring. Still, they all seemed to go well. In the last class we finished early and we played the name game with my cards. It went well.

After work, I didn't hear from Fumihiko for a while, but then I got an email. He had just finished work too. Poor thing. He came to pick me up and we went to Cocos. I had suggested another place, but he wanted to have drink bar. It was quite pleasant at Cocos tonight. It seems like the drippy depressing waiter isn't there anymore. At least, I haven't seen him in ages. Hurray for that.

We came home and I finished washing the frying pan from this morning then made us some iced coffee. It was very refreshing. I would have made frappucinos, but we were out of milk and I didn't want to use all cream in them.

And that's about it. Oh, I'll just mention that I'm reading a couple of books right now. Both are non-fiction. One is called The Alphabet, and another is The Real Rule of Four. I have Brat Farrar on deck too, when I need some variety. I'm quite impressed with myself I have to say. Recently I've started to do a lot of non-fiction reading, especially to do with English and the history and study of it. I took a university course on the history of English and did okay, but not great at it. I almost wish I could take it again, just to see if I'd get more out of it now. I'm sure I would somehow.

Gotta fly! Night night.


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