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September 2, 2005 - Friday

Too hot and very sunny.

I had an okay day today. I did my morning stuff, got to work on time, and that's about it!

I only had a few classes today, but I was a bit busy. I made a sign up sheet for a party, I made a holiday schedule for my students, and I started to revamp my bulletin board. I also prepared for classes today and tomorrow. And next week, in one case!

After work Fumihiko came and picked me up. He helped me by writing a note in Japanese for the parents of the children that I teach. Most of them don't speak English so I have to be very careful about letting them know when I'm on holiday.

We went to M's Dining tonight. It was busy and the food was okay.

Then we hit the grocery store for a few things. I got most of the things, then Fumihiko picked up some fishy stuff for his breakfast.

We came home and I made some lovely raspberry Italian soda. Yum. It's so easy and it's so beautiful in the glass.

I spent a bit of time web surfing so I could find some good clip art for my bulletin board. It took a while, but I finally found some. Yay. I got my banner printed out too, so I can put it up tomorrow. Wish me luck!

And that's it for tonight. Have a good night. Bye!


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