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September 4, 2005 - Sunday

Cooler today, with rain in the morning.

An interesting day. I had plans this morning of getting up early and washing bedding, but it was pouring with rain, so I couldn't do it. When I finally did get up I did my laundry and then had lunch.

I went out after my lunch and had my hair cut. I was really lucky, my hairdresser could fit me in. I got my hair cut very short again, and it looks great. Hurray.

In the evening Fumihiko met me in S-Mall and then we went and had dinner. We had Genghis Khan. It was great. After that, we came home and watched Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2.

After the movies we had a light snack and now we're watching some David Hasselhoff movie on TV. It's sort of lame, but it's in English, so we're watching it!

Anyway, that's it for today. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting.

Gotta go, night!


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