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September 3, 2005 - Saturday

Sunny and hot.

Last night when we went to bed there was a fierce storm raging outside. It was thundering, and the rain was really noisy. This morning however it was nice and clear.

I had a busy morning, made even busier by the fact that I fell asleep on the couch and overslept a bit too much. Still, I made it on time to work!

I was a little busy today, but classes went quite well. I did find out some baddish news, I have to go to a meeting in another city in a few days. Grr.

After work we went to Gusto for dinner. It was really crowded and noisy for a while. There were about 30 bicycles parked outside the restaurant, so it might have been a class or club event going on there.

We came home via the grocery store and then after a while I made some frappucinos. Fumihiko had made stronger coffee and they taste much better with the stronger taste. Yum.

And that's my day. It was kind of a nothing day really. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Night night!


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