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September 8, 2005 - Thursday

Cloudy, rainy and finally nice and warm.

A good day, although it didn't start out that way! I was running late on my way to work, and when I went out to grab my bike, I noticed that my chain was off again. Bad timing! I was wearing my lovely pink raincoat so I grabbed the chain, wrestled with it a bit, and got it back on the sprocket. (I think that's the name.) Of course, my hands were covered with black grease and I was still wearing my lovely light pink raincoat. Holding my arms out straight so I didn't get my coat, I went back in (leaving my bag on my bike) and washed my hands. Bah.

It started to drizzle a little on my way to work, and I was glad that I was wearing my coat. However, it wasn't too bad. But, when I got to work, I went in, hit the time clock and then went out to do the school sign. Well, now it was pouring! I guess my timing wasn't that bad after all.

I had a fairly busy day. I did have one cancellation, but other than that I was busy. I did treat myself to a tea in the Marica coffee shop in my lunch time. It was lovely. It's nice to get out of the school sometimes.

After work, I finished up and started re-reading Brat Farrar. When I was in Sapporo in July I bought a new edition of the book. It's like an old friend. I love that, when I feel like I'm being welcomed by a book that I'm reading. If you haven't read Josephine Tey, then I highly recommend her. She was a wonderful writer.

Which reminds me, one of my students finished a book I loaned her. She took another one in it's place. That's so cool. I love it when students do free reading. I think it's a great way to study English.

After work, Fumihiko and I went to Moku Moku. Sometimes I don't like that place, but tonight it was great. We had lovely meals. I had sirloin steak and Fumihiko had a Japanese style meal. He had Ginger pork. He had pork, salad, miso soup, pickles, and even dessert. Wow. I had some tomato vegetable soup, possibly minestrone, and it was good. I don't usually eat tomato soup so I was surprised.

We came home and made kakigori. My chocolate syrup arrived yesterday and I was just dying for something a little chocolatey. It was good.

And that was my day. It turned out nicely after all, even though I was pressed for time at the beginning! Night night.


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