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September 7, 2005 - Wednesday

Windy, windy, windy, with a bit of rain.

An okay day. I biked to work in strong wind, good workout for my legs!

Classes went well, and I did a lot of planning for this week and next week too. A student even returned from his trip to India and gave his classmates and me each a necklace. That was a neat idea!

After work, Fumihiko and I went to Cocos. We had a nice dinner. It was really crowded tonight. It was very surprising. Over dinner we discussed a few options to celebrate our anniversaries. Next week we have two, September 14 and 16. Here in Japan most people get married twice! Once officially at city hall, and then once in a public ceremony. We were no exception, hence we have two anniversaries!

We bought a few groceries, then came home. I made a mocha frappucino. It was good, but it didn't seem cold enough. Maybe the milk wasn't cold enough? We just bought it.

And that's about it. During my work day I ran to S-Mall on business, I assure you. I had to buy a bus ticket for next week. I got it, despite my terrible Japanese. Hurray.

The typhoon still seems to be in the neighbourhood. We've had really strong wind all day, there's been some rain too. I hope we don't get it too badly.

Gotta go, night night.


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