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September 14, 2005 - Wednesday

Warm and sunny with lots of rain.

What a day! I couldn't sleep last night. I was so stuffed up that I couldn't sleep, so I got up and crashed on the couch. I managed to get a bit more sleep then, except Fumihiko kept coming through to get some of his medicine. Argh.

I went to work and was a little busy. I was okay until about 4 o'clock. Then, my nose started streaming. Oh my gosh, it still hasn't stopped.

After work I asked Fumihiko to come and get me. I also asked that we didn't go to a restaurant because my nose was running and I was sneezing a lot. He dropped me off at home and went to get us some yakitori, bless him.

I've taken more medicine, but it's not helping that much.

I've just been watching a bit of the concert for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. It was very enjoyable, what I saw of it. They cut it off just now for Japanese news. Sigh.

I gave Fumihiko part of his present tonight. He, of course, gave me nothing. I've asked for a subscription to my favourite magazine, and he said that was a good idea, but he hasn't handed over his card yet!

Anyway, I'm out of here...I have to get some sleep. Night night!


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