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September 13, 2005 - Tuesday

Hot and sunny.

This morning I got up at the ungodly hour of 7:00 am and showered. I dressed then Fumihiko dropped me off at the Daiichi Hotel. I had breakfast there before catching my bus. I was relaxing and reading and the time passed before I knew it!

The bus ride was uneventful. I listened to a podcast of Ebert and Roeper, then napped for a while. I woke up just before we got into Sendai.

I was lucky and was able to find the meeting place fairly easily. Before the meeting I bought some snacks and changed into my skirt. The meeting was okay. I had a chance to say goodbye to a few people and meet some new ones. That was rather nice.

After the meeting I hustled back to the Aer building so I could make a quick trip to Maruzen books. I was going to buy a lot, but I realized that I didn't have a lot of money on me, so I had to restrain myself!!! I bought only 3 magazines, but that was enough I think. I also treated myself to a Starbucks frappucino light. Yum. Mine are good, but theirs are much better.

The bus trip back was fine. I had a woman sitting next to me for an hour or so. She seemed a little put out that she had to set next to me. Hmm. However, she got out early, so that was okay.

Back in Tsuruoka, I walked back to the school and checked the mailbox and the fax machine. Not much to talk about there.

Fumihiko picked me up at 9:00pm almost exactly. We went to M's Dining. It wasn't the best choice tonight. First the guy tried to put us at a table near the door that was wet, then the bell at the next table didn't work. Sigh. The meal was okay.

Right now my nose is running and running. It's driving me crazy. I think I'll have to take a cold pill if I want to get any sleep. It's running and plugged up at the same time!

The day was okay. I'm glad it's over though. I'm back to regular work tomorrow. Night, night.


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