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September 21, 2005 - Wednesday

Sunny and hot, bit cloudy too.

A good, if busy day. This morning I did my usual stuff, but just before I took my shower I got a surprise visitor. My hubby had forgotten his cell phone so he came home for it. He went on his way, and I took my shower then cooked lunch and breakfast.

Work was fine today. I was a bit busy, especially in the early part of the day. Classes seemed to go well though.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Cocos for dinner. It wasn't as busy tonight and we both had their drink bar. I treated myself to some earl grey tea.

At home I finished packing. I put a couple of spare pairs of shoes in my suitcase, decided what to wear on the plane tomorrow and on Friday. I also took a quick shower.

Now that I'm done everything I'm just chillin' out by my computer. I just read through the college magazine I just got and found a couple of people that I know. I'm debating writing to them before I leave, or waiting until after I come back. What to do?

Anyway, I won't be updating for about a week, unless I can get some free internet access, so don't miss me. Take care! Bye.


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