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August 8, 2006 - Tuesday

Hot and sunny.

Oh dear, I had such a good day, and then I came home.

I got up at a decent time this morning, watched the news and a fascinating documentary about a man with a seven second memory. I can't imagine what that would be like for the people around him.

I was busy this morning too. I prepared some chicken fingers and I did my laundry.

I left for work in the late afternoon. and had a nice class. I came home via the grocery store, I'd forgotten to buy eggs yesterday.

When I got home I tried to open the door and found it barred. Again. I got let in and that's about when it all went downhill. We had a couple of really nasty fights and he's done a bunk again. He's probably gone off to sleep at his mother's. Power to him.

It'll probably blow over, but at the moment I'm more angry than upset.

That's all you get tonight. Bye!


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