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August 10, 2006 - Thursday

Hot and sunny. Nice day.

Wow! What a day. Fumihiko was supposed to be at work this morning at 6 am, and had set the alarm. However, I woke up at 5:30 to go to the washroom (2 large glasses of a diet soda before bed is NOT a good thing!) I must have woken him, because I asked him when he was supposed to be at work. He said 6. Luckily, he was on time. He'd set the alarm for 6 which was not a wise thing, when that's the time you are supposed to BE at work!

I actually got up just after he left and watched some news in French and checked email. I'm weird that way. I finally went back to bed and slept. I got emailed before 9:00 am by someone (hubby) to say that he could leave work early tonight and wanted to go to a fireworks party that some people we knew were having. I emailed him back a couple of times and promptly fell back asleep. When I dragged myself out of bed it was late!

I had to go to the bank again today. Fumihiko was working of course and so I had to make the downpayment on our trip. He had written a note for me to take to the bank, and so that's what I did. I went to the bank and a nice lady helped me transfer funds to the travel company. Japanese banking machines are so cool in that you can transfer funds at the machine to other people's accounts, even pay your rent, but they have one big problem. They use a lot of kanji. If they put some of the stuff in hiragana or katakana, I'd have a lot easier time of using them.

After I went to my school's bank with a deposit, I went off to Ginza Dori. On the way I stopped in at a nice stationary store and got a few things for me and the school. I also went to Kettle One, a lovely kitchenware and gift shop. I was looking for a replacement for my teapot. They had one, but it was a bit expensive. That part didn't bother me so much as Fumihiko was going to pay me back, but it wasn't aesthetically pleasing. It was glass like my old one, but it looked clunky! I know that's a strange way to describe a teapot, but my old one was graceful and beautiful. That's why I loved it so much. This clunky one came with a burner underneath to keep the tea warm, for an extra 3000 some yen. I passed. I did buy myself a herbal tea mug though. It has a lid and a little filter that fits inside. I really miss having tea with my brunches, so I got this as a stopgap until I get my teapot.

I thought I'd go to the coffee shop in the community center after that for something to drink, but when I got there discovered that the coffeeshop was gone. Sigh. I left. While I was unlocking my bike I made an interesting discovery though. It was right on 3pm when I was doing this and the Goten Mari hanging outside the center separated and two figures appeared and danced around in a circle. It was so cool. I'd never seen that before! It was a bit like some of the fancy clocks that you see in places like Europe, only not a clock. Very cool.

I biked home and turned on the airconditioner. Soon, I was sitting in a pool of sweat. Yuck! I don't handle heat well.

I didn't hear from hubby for a while, so was wondering what I should do. Should I go over to the riverside by myself to watch the fireworks, or should I wait for him? I waited. He called me at 6:30 to say that he was finished work and we were going to go to the party. I would have appreciated a bit more warning as I was a bit smelly and definitely not in the mood to go anywhere except the riverside. However, I washed, changed and got ready.

We went to my student's place near the river and had a lot of food. I was a bit surprised as I didn't think I'd be able to eat much. But, we had pork, octopus, pickles and oolong tea. It was nice, and the fireworks were great. I tried to take a few photos but my cellphone camera isn't the best for the job.

We left around 9:30 and took a long time to drive to Cocos. We really wanted to drink something. We had drink bar and either cake or salad depending on which one of us ate it. It was nice.

When we came home it was almost midnight. Fumihiko took a shower and is now in bed. He doesn't have such an early morning tomorrow, but had a long day today.

Tomorrow I'm back to work too. I have two classes in the evening. Wish me luck! That's it. I'm done. Night night.


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