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August 26, 2006 - Saturday

Hot and sunny, nice day.

Today was surprisingly great! I went to bed late last night, and slept in late this morning, but not too late. I did have to work after all. Fumihiko and I went to Gusto for breakfast and had the same thing. It wasn't great, but it was okay. We both had the lunch special. For a change it was okay for me to eat.

My two classes went quite well, hurray for that, and then Fumihiko picked me up. We went to a couple of drugstores for some sweetener for me. At the first one, I ran into an ex-student that I've been hoping to meet up with again. We chatted for a few minutes and talked about going for lunch someday soon.

Fumihiko and I came home and relaxed for a while. Later we realized we were really hungry and hadn't eaten since before twelve. We decided to go to Amarume for steak. We got out on the road and Fumihiko changed his mind. We went to Bistro des Ponts in Mikawa instead.

Wow! What a meal. We had a great feast. Our main course was sauted pork in a dried tomato sauce, but before that we had flatfish marinee, cooked fish with salad (very yummy), kabocha soup and then our main course. Fumihiko got dessert too. He had yogurt icecream and peach melba. It looked fab. I had coffee.

We came home via the grocery store as some nameless person (NOT ME) was out of beer, and then settled in to watch Tremors 2: Aftershocks. I'd seen it before, but it was a long time ago. It wasn't a great movie, but it wasn't bad either. They'd actually put some thought into the story. We still have the other two films to watch from the series!

Fumihiko barely made it to the end of the movie, then went to bed. I'm getting ready to go soon too. I'm quite tired and if someone gets too much sleep, they are raring to go at 9 am and I'm still sleeping (or trying to!)

So that was my day. It was pretty good actually. I hope the next two days goe as well. Wish me luck! Night.


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