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August 27, 2006 - Sunday

Hot and sunny, the usual.

A downer sort of day, actually. Well, today husband fatigue truly set in. I think I've just had enough togetherness. If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I'm going to come back as a hermit living in a cave somewhere that no-one ever goes. I just am not good around people 24/7. Or one person!

I actually woke up before Fumihiko today, but went back to sleep. I finally roused myself after 12. Hey, it's Sunday and I had NO plans. Why not sleep?

We went to the Dai-Ichi hotel for brunch and it was okay, but not great. It's the second time this week that I've been there, so I wasn't that keen to go, but whatever. After our lunch, Fumihiko reserved dinner for us on Tuesday there. They have quite an expensive dinner right now and it's cheaper if we reserve.

We hacked around the mall a little bit and I bought a few things at the hundred yen shop and the grocery store. Fumihiko had a big party tonight, so I wanted to have something for MY dinner at home.

We stopped off at our apartment to drop off my food. While I was in the apartment (for less than 2 minutes) Fumihiko decided to "pull the grasses" under our window. Well, about 10 minutes later he finally finishes. I wasn't the happiest. He's the one that said he wanted to go to the next store. We went there anyway, to Uniqlo to look at clothes for him. He wanted some new things for our trip.

He grabbed a few shirts, threw them in his basket and said that was enough. I asked him to try them on! He tried one on, and while he was doing that I noticed that one of the ones he'd picked up casually before had a button down collar. Fumihiko doesn't like those, so I asked him about it and then found him another shirt to try on without the buttons. After we got him some more essentials--socks and unmentionables, we looked at the kids section. I was looking for stuff for Katie or Zachary. I found a cute as a button skirt for Katie--one that Van might even approve of since it had shorts underneath, but the size was a bit iffy. Katie's getting bigger and these things are made for Japanese skinny bodies, not solid Canadian ones. Fumihiko picked out a cute pair of shorts for Zach, and I found a room wear set that's kind of cute. We got those and then came home.

I was a little surprised when Fumihiko just dumped me at the door. He didn't come in or anything. I was annoyed, since I wanted him to call the delivery company. Earlier in the day I'd had a delivery and we were out so I wanted them to come again. He just left.

I came in and spent quite a while on my computer. I had a bit of tummy trouble too, so I was taking things easy and just enjoying my "free" time. I was back in the washroom when I heard the door open. What? He was back, a scant 3 and a half hours after he left. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I had just shut down my computer so I could go out and get a video to watch by myself and he came home. I'm sure I didn't give him the reception he wanted, but I wasn't that happy to see him. I needed more alone time.

For the last 3 hours he's been sitting on the couch playing with his computer. I asked him to move the computer off the table so I could eat at the table. Since then I've had to detour the long way around the couch so I don't trip over his stuff. We've barely spoken to each other. We're not angry or anything, it's just he's become so obsessed with his new toy that I'm a disruption.

Oh brother. I have two more days of this. How am I going to survive? Wish me luck, cause I'm going to need it.


Any new quizzes??
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